Overcooked: Food-programmable Gate Array

For my Digital Systems class, I teamed up with classmates to program an FPGA version of the video game, Overcooked. I was responsible for implementing the game logic, while my teammates implemented the graphics and multiplayer network communications.

Overcooked is a traditionally multiplayer cooking game where players must prepare and serve dishes under time pressure. During a round, the players are presented with orders which must be completed within a short time window, otherwise they lose points. Food that is cooked too long catches on fire. Our project implements a streamlined version of the original video game.

Closed-Loop Linear Motor Driver for Ultrasound Probe Stabilization

This project developed a motor driver and controller capable of position control for a linear motor. PWM modulation creates sinusoidal phase voltages for the motor instead of square waves, which allows for much smoother movement and control. In future work, this could be used to provide constant, user-determined force on a surface regardless of hand position for ultrasound probe stabilization.

MIT Policy Hackathon, Fall 2021

Over the course of 36 hours, I worked with my team of three to write a policy memo describing our suggestions to improve the transportation development plan for the cities of Portland and South Portland, Maine as they adapt to climate change. My team received first place in the transportation policy category.


"Development of a Deployable Optical Receive Aperture"

U. S. Escobar et al. (incl. J. Arnold), "Development of a Deployable Optical Receive Aperture," 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO), pp. 1-8 (2022), doi: 10.1109/AERO53065.2022.9843512. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9843512/.

“Deployable Optical Receiver Array CubeSat”

A. Talamante, et al. (incl. J. Arnold), “Deployable Optical Receiver Array CubeSat”, Proc. Small Satellite Conference, Mission Operations and Autonomy, 263 (2021). https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/smallsat/2021/all2021/263/.

“Blending Synthetic and Measured Data using Transfer Learning for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Target Classification”

J. Arnold, L. Moore, and E. Zelnio, “Blending Synthetic and Measured Data using Transfer Learning for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Target Classification” in Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery, Proc. SPIE Defense+Security (2018). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2304568.

About Me

I'm an electrical engineer working at Xylem, a water technology company, where I'm a member of the Engineering Leadership Development Program (ELDP) with the opportunity to complete three 8-month rotations to gain diverse experiences and skills within the company. My professional engineering experience has primarily focused on mixed-signal design and PCB layout. I also have experience with FPGAs and power electronics, and I TAed a course on embedded systems.

In my free time, I enjoy wakesurfing, hiking, and generally spending the maximum possible amount of time outdoors.